Seasonings: salt, pepper, rosemary, curry, ginger powder, parsley and red hot pepper flakes, to taste.
1. Put a little oil in a nonstick pan on medium heat and add the onion and carrot.
2. Then add the ground beef, salt, pepper, rosemary, ginger powder, curry and red hot pepper flakes. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon to break up the meat.
3. After that add the mushrooms. Mix everything well and cook for 10 more minutes.
4. Then add the tomato sause, parsley, salt and pepper and cook for a little longer. When its done put it aside.
5. In the meantime cut the cheese in cubes.
6. Take one tortilla and first put the two lettuce leaves, then add the mixture and the cheese on top and wrap it tight.
7. Enjoy! 💙 And if you make this recipe, snap a photo and hashtag it #nonstoptasty – I would love to see your creations on Instagram! Find me: @non.stoptasty